The State of IT Professionals in a Low-Code Software World

The State of IT Professionals in a Low-Code Software World

Fulfilling low-code’s endless potential requires an important change in perspective   Low-code software is quickly becoming the hottest topic in tech today. As we have mentioned before, low-code software is projected to continue its rise in popularity by...
Nintex ProcessFest 2022

Nintex ProcessFest 2022

At Nintex ProcessFest 2022, you will hear inspiring success stories from Nintex customers, their latest product innovations, and valuable insights to speed your digital transformation journey. Discover what is possible with the powerful, easy-to-use, and complete...
Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace

Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace

About 1 in 3 Canadians will be affected by a mental illness during their lifetime. While mental health is an ongoing challenge, the need to address mental health – particularly in the workplace – has increased over the past two years. Since 2019, fewer Canadians...