The process of eDiscovery is becoming more important as the amount of electronically stored information (ESI) increases and more legal proceedings...
Upcoming Releases from Microsoft in 2023
Many of Microsoft's new features, products, and releases were announced at the Microsoft 365 Conference in December 2022. Microsoft is making large...
2023 Technology Trends: Risk Mitigation and Resilience Through Automation
Looking back to forecasted technology trends for 2022, experts predicted the importance of automation to help with risk mitigation against issues...
How to Prepare for Microsoft SharePoint 2013 End of Life
Microsoft recently announced that SharePoint 2013 will reach end of life on April 11, 2023. SharePoint 2013 is just one of the many Microsoft 2013...
Replacing Intranet-in-a-Box Solutions with SharePoint Online
Recent enhancements to Microsoft SharePoint Online intranet services represent the greater effort of Microsoft to fully integrate their services,...
Four Reasons to Migrate Your Intranet to Microsoft SharePoint Online
For businesses using an intranet or enterprise content management service, migrating to Microsoft SharePoint Online may seem daunting. Like changing...
Microsoft Viva: Three Key Features to Enhance Employee Experience
With the launch of Microsoft Viva as an Employee Experience Platform (EXP), Microsoft has acknowledged the importance of having a digital office...
Microsoft Power Apps: Model-Driven Apps vs Canvas Apps
Organizations looking to take full advantage of Microsoft Power Apps have two options when creating applications: model-driven apps and canvas apps....
Microsoft Purview: Safeguard Data, Manage Risk, and Improve Compliance
The introduction of Microsoft Purview represents Microsoft’s efforts to make sure all critical information shared by businesses remains both...
How Zoom Scaled Process Automation with Nintex Workflow Cloud
When considering the vital role the newly-enhanced Nintex Workflow Cloud can play in organizations, “the Zoom Boom” is a prime example. As the...